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How Do I Make My Child Want To Go To School?

How Do I Make My Child Want To Go To School

It is standard for young kids to feel apprehensive about attending school. Leaving the home environment, they are comfortable with to visit a stricter enclosed premise can be challenging for young minds. Additionally, spending considerable time without their primary caregivers can make their delicate psyche feel unsafe.

Consequently, parents have to come up with different ideas regarding how you make your child want to go to school. Suffice it to say; the approaches can differ on a case-to-case basis, as children’s responses can vary widely from one person to another. However, in general, you should take the concerns of your kids seriously. Communicate with them to understand the reason they refuse to be at their schools. Accordingly, try to find a solution by working with them and not by imposing instructions.

If your kids are afraid of bullying or being harshly reprimanded for failing to complete a task in class, you must talk to school authorities so that they can step in. However, if the refusal comes from a general restlessness, be by their side to work through it. You can tell them about your own school days and the positive experiences there.

Note that if your child is struggling with anxiety issues, you must consult with a counsellor for the necessary course of action. Furthermore, if the apprehension is caused by learning difficulties like dyslexia or concentration-related struggles due to ADHD, seeking specialists’ assistance is a must.

Try working in tandem with their teachers, especially as the rising importance of mental health has caused many schools to employ professional psychiatrists. After all, as you know the best, nothing matters more than the overall well-being of your precious ones.

How to Calm a Child Who Does Not Want to Go to School?

According to studies, around 1-2% of young children have shown signs of school refusals, leading to a prolonged absence. So, if your little ones are feeling fidgety at the prospect of leaving home for their academic institution, keep in mind this behaviour is not unexpected in nature.

To make your child want to go to school, you first need to understand whether there are any specific triggers that make the little one concerned. Experts suggest following an OVR Model [Observe-Validate-Redirect] to come to a sustainable resolution of this issue.

Following this model, you should have a heart-to-heart conversation with your kids about how you have observed their discomfort in going to school. Keep in mind that such a conversation cannot be held during a school day without added stress to both you and your kids. Instead, choose a calm and relaxed holiday hour to pose the question to them.

It is vital for you to give importance to their point of view, even if that does not seem serious enough from your mindset. Remember that every individual – especially children at such a delicate point of their lives – have different responses to external stimuli. So, listen to them carefully when they explain what is bothering them.

You need to make them feel validated, so use verbal communication to provide them with encouragement and emotional support. Your kids should understand that you are capable of stepping into their shoes to empathise with the obstacles they are going through. So, let them know that feeling upset is absolutely normal and that both of you will be working together to reach a solution.

Lastly, this model suggests you understand their misgivings and redirect the young minds to the importance of going to school. So, tell them about all the exciting things they will learn at school and how that will help them as they grow up. Share interesting stories from your own childhood, and let them know how education has helped you as an adult. Tell them about the non-textbook-oriented exciting parts of the school, too – like making friends or attending gym classes.

As you explain these details to your young ones, remember that these are not a method of negating their feelings. You should not brush aside their concerns. Instead, tell them how overcoming this issue is crucial to experience all the great things about schools. Let them know you will always be there to help them deal with these problems.

Why Following a Routine Can Help Make Children Want to Go to School?

Kids often struggle with school because it is more difficult to get accustomed to a structured schedule than what they have practised back home. So, help your young ones slowly transition into going to school daily.

You can start this practice by waking the little ones up with enough time in hand to allow them to get ready at their own pace. Kindly try to have a specific time in mind, and wake your kids up at this hour, even during off days. This will help them better cope with the new structure as they slowly become habituated with it rather than getting forced into a sudden change.

Especially during the school days, verbally tell them that you are waking them to go to their educational institutions. Acts like this will provide a framework to the little ones, as they will understand how going to school is a necessary daily activity. Also, prepare their uniforms, school bags, etc., the day before. Trying to multitask during the early hours can be stressful for you. In addition, visible signs of stress on their parents’ end can further trigger anxiousness in your young ones.

Separation anxiety from their parents is a leading cause why kids do not want to leave home for their schools. So, spend quality time with your children during their free time. Play games with them or indulge in activities that they enjoy. Tell them in detail all the fun, exciting activities you will take part in together once they return from their schools.

Young children can also feel restless at the thought of spending long hours at a comparatively unknown place amongst people who are still basically strangers to them. So, try out a graded approach to make them feel at ease when preparing them for school hours. Tell them to concentrate on doing one thing at a time. For example, completing their breakfast is a primary concern. Afterwards, getting dressed up is another step to complete.

How Can Professional Assistance Help Make Your Child Want to Go to School?

Seeking adequate assistance from trained individuals is a great measure to ensure your kids do not struggle with the notion of going to their schools. For example, many psychologists suggest Cognitive Behavioural Therapy [CBT] that helps students showing signs of school refusal. In this method, counsellors guide the young ones to achieve mental relaxation and confront the anxious thoughts troubling them.

Interventions like this also lay great significance on establishing a strong liaison with the school authorities to make sure your little ones are comfortable on the institution grounds. Consequently, you must be aware of the risk factors involved in this endeavour. Have a clear idea about whether the school has a zero-tolerance policy towards bullying or if excessive pressure for academic success is eminent there. Scenarios like this can be detrimental for the young ones in the long run.

Experts also suggest that you should ensure the home environment is not why kids are being troubled. So, ensure things like over-attached parenting are not leading to counterproductive outcomes. Additionally, try to understand whether any underlying tension back at home is affecting your kids.

Young children are capable of picking up on subtle non-verbal cues, so try not to expose them to unnecessary tension. If issues like illness or a close family member or a beloved pet are causing them to stay back, tell them there is nothing to worry about as things will be alright soon.

Such practices can make your child want to go to school. With proper support, your young ones can face significantly reduced distress in attending their academic institutions. If they get adequate care and guidance, they will feel more at ease with such an environment and be interested in participating in collaborative classroom activities over time.

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