The PNP Educational Trust was founded over two decades ago with a vision to provide the best of education to students from different strata of the community. The National Model Secondary School was founded under its aegis and soon gained recognition for its unique approach to education.
With Coimbatore fast becoming a metropolis and multi-cultural centre, the trust sees an imperative need to create a a school in lines with NCERT standards. In addition to giving students to learn in a nationally recognised environment, this new school will also facilitate their entry into the premier league colleges in the country.


Academic Excellence
Learning experience blends
the best of tradition with the exciting opportunities provided by new technology.

Vibrant Campus
A tranquil environment and a soothing ambience which is necessary and conductive for learning process.

Personal Development
Fostering secure values, beliefs and morals by developing self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-respect.

Enriching our curriculum with a wide variety of opportunities and a range of intercultural experiences.

Qualified Teachers
Undergo series of training from experts and nobles in the field of education to stay put with the current trends of teaching.

Excellent Infrastructure
Well equipped and well furnished Labs with excellent facilities for practical work.

37 Years of

1400 Plus

90 Teachers

Kanishkaa Shree won MUN ( Model United Nations) Best Delegate Award
Coimbatore, August 31, 2021: Kanishkaa Shree, a student of National Model School has won the 2nd Best Delegate Award by Model United Nations (MUN), a platform that organises Model UN conferences. The objective of this conference is to encourage and empower students to become better diplomats.

S. Vishal Krishnan studying in Class XII Creates World Record
S Vishal Krishnan studying in 12th standard at National Model CBSE School Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, has attempted Mathematics World Records 2021 under the organization of High Range Book of World Records. He solved 60 math Problem in 7.05 minutes on 12th July 2021 at Coimbatore.
Ahil Balaji of Class VIII bagged 1 Silver and 3 Bronze Medals
Student of National Model School, Ahil Balaji of Grade 8 has bagged 1 Silver and 3 Bronze Medals in the Junior Tamil Nadu State Aquatic Championship 2021 held at Chennai from 29 Sep to 1 Oct. He has been selected for Nationals Swimming Championship.